by Justin Boothby | Jan 31, 2023 | 1 Minute Devos
ARE SOME SINS WORSE THAN OTHERS? 1 Minute Devotional On Sins Are some sins on a sliding scale? Are some sins worse than others? Let’s be honest, there is a big difference between stealing a pack of gum and murdering someone. Nevertheless, stealing and murdering are...
by Justin Boothby | Jan 18, 2023 | 1 Minute Devos
ARE SOME SINS OKAY FOR ME BUT NOT OTHERS? 1 Minute Devotional On Subjective Sin Are some sins okay for me but not for others? I think a lot of this question revolves around idolatry. If we allow someone or something else on the throne/temple of our hearts (Phrase from...
by Justin Boothby | Jan 11, 2023 | 1 Minute Devos
WHAT’S THE ORIGIN OF SIN? 1 Minute Devotional On Sin When you think about the origin of sin, what comes to mind? Adam and Eve? Cain and Abel? Satan? We often like to point fingers at other people like Adam did and pretend as if they have “caused” us to sin. But...