Week 20 | Why Do We Have The Desire To Sin?
Why do we still desire to sin even after we follow Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit? Why can’t we seem to get rid of this sin problem?
Week 19 | Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?
We have heard the good news. We love and follow Jesus. But for some reason we continue to struggle with sin. Why?
Week 18 | Why Do We Struggle With Sin?
We have heard the good news. We love and follow Jesus. But for some reason we continue to struggle with sin. Why?
Week 17 (BONUS) | Timeless vs. Cultural Commands & Subjective Sins
An additional teaching to “Are Some Sins Subjective” where we explore timeless vs. cultural commands and how they inform subjective sins.
Week 17 | Are Some Sins Subjective?
Are some sins subjective? Are some things okay for me but not for others? This week we look at if some sins can be subjective.
Week 16 | What Is The Origin Of Sin?
When you think about the origin of sin, what comes to mind? Adam? Eve? Satan? What if we told you there’s more to the story?
Week 14 – Devotional // Waiting Has Divine Purpose
No one likes waiting. But for thousands of years, God has been rewarding those who are patient. Your waiting may have a divine purpose!
Week 13 – Devotional // The Importance Of Honest Prayers
Prayer is such a foundational aspect of our lives, but have we forgotten the importance of praying honest, authentic prayers?
Week 12 – Devotional // Keeping X in XMAS
Have you ever seen the phrase XMAS before? Were you triggered? Is there something we’re missing in our search for the Messiah?
Week 11 – Devotional // The Power Of A Follow
How do we follow Jesus? And maybe an even more important question: Have we been good stewards of Jesus’ image in our journey with him?
Week 10 – Devotional // Living Life In A Rhythm
What does it look like for us to move in a rhythm with Jesus? In what ways can we come together as the Church in this season?
Week 9 – Devotional // Praising God In Tough Times
How can we be praising God in tough times? What if I don’t feel, hear, or see God in the midst of my situation? What then?